Continuous improvement is in our nature. We have followed this principle for over 90 years, and it encompasses everything that makes us what we are. As a company. As a brand. As a maker of irrigation and slurry equipment.
Traditional values such as quality, hard work and courage are a sound basis for our constant efforts to improve. And for addressing the needs of our customers in great detail. This results in smart and sustainable products that are based on high-quality materials and precise manufacturing systems.
We are more than a little proud of our success: Bauer irrigation systems supply water to fields all over the planet totaling 2.5 million hectares. 60,000 slurry tankers and an untold number of separators, pumps and stirrers are in use worldwide today.
Over 890 employees at 16 locations around the world pursue the Bauer mission and demonstrate a passion for working on outstanding machines. All for our customers in over 100 countries, who are just as convinced of the Bauer vision as we are. A perfect basis for growing together.
What drives us is our vision of improving and shaping agriculture for a sustainable future.
We unite tradition and progress, and we are passionately dedicated to the development of innovative technologies and resource-efficient solutions. Topics such as digitalization, precision and smart farming have important roles to play here. And of course the careful and responsible treatment of nature. We must protect our planet so that generations to come can thrive here as well. Healthy growth alongside our employees and customers is our approach.
The work of our company serves a single important purpose: We want to support farmers all around the globe in producing enough food for us all. We see this as our calling.
The world population is growing rapidly. By the year 2050, there will be over nine billion people living on the earth. Securing our food supply is an existential challenge for humanity. We are proud to do our part as manufacturers of irrigation and slurry machinery.
In everything we do, the sparing use of natural resources is our highest priority. Our daily concerns revolve around transformation and reuse, recycling and upcycling, consuming and giving back. We have great respect for the ecological limits of our planet. We want to optimize our products to combine maximum efficiency with all forms of environmental protection. This is the challenge we face every day.
Tradition and progress are not a contradiction. Quite the contrary: they reinforce each other. True progress is based on the experiences of the past. On mistakes and on insights arising from years of research and experimentation.
We stay true to our roots. We know who we are and where we are headed. This clarity gives us the strength and energy to focus entirely on our core mission: building high-quality machines to shape the agricultural world of tomorrow.
The quality of Bauer equipment is legendary. Carefully selected raw materials, precise manufacturing systems, smart processes, conscientious quality control – that’s how we build machines that last forever.
Over 90% of all irrigation and slurry machinery built by Bauer in the last 40 years is still in use today. That makes us our own biggest competition. But that’s just how we like it. All part of delivering absolutely the highest quality!
A fast-paced world makes dependable values all the more essential. Values like tradition and quality but also durability. You will find durability not only in our machines but in the company itself and quite especially in our relationships with dealers and customers. We treasure longstanding, loyal partnerships, and we want our customers to choose a Bauer machine again next time. True to the motto: Once Bauer, always Bauer.
Every innovation begins with curiosity. Making something truly new takes time, lots of thought and careful observation of your situation and the environment in general. It also takes courage to get to the bottom of things and to continually investigate the needs of your customers. The answers to these questions are the seeds from which innovation grows. We know that innovation is a continuous process that never ends. Because we set our sights on the future. Just like we have for over 90 years.